Stowe Pinnacle - 2021

January 31st 2021


Stowe Pinnacle is an easy 3.69 miles with an elevation of 1,182 feet.

It was a sunny 10 degree beautiful day and It was overall a beautiful hike. The flow of the hike was perfect. Starting with a gradual incline through the pretty woods, and giving you a little peak-a-boo of the view you are working for.

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As I approached the first real steep incline I thought, okay here we go. It was challenging but fun. The snow was all slick from other hikers sledding down it. Micro spikes were for sure appreciated! At the top of the climb we were greeted by the mountain dog Samson. That's what we were told at least, apparently he is a local legend. He guided us all the way to the top. He hung out for a bit and then disappeared.

As we made our decent we passed Samson guiding a family up to the top. Best tour guide ever. Going down was so much fun.

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